John Carter of Mars

Here is a post that fits both TO READ and TO WATCH categories – John Carter of Mars.


Halcyon Classics Series: The Barsoom Series of Edgar Rice Burroughs (Unexpurgated Edition) (Halcyon Classics) [Kindle Edition], Click here to purchase from

Originally written by Edgar Rice Burroughs between 1912 and 1964 (and one by his son), this series of science fiction novels was at least translated into Russian language by several Russian writers.

I enjoyed reading these books when I was a teen. These novels are definitely a must-read for dreamers with a ton of creative imagination. Oh, wow, I remember a bunch of sleepless nights, full of colorful SciFi dreams with the hint of red dust. Did you know this is actually a 13-book series “John Carter of Mars?” If you care for my opinion, they are awesome!

The story takes place on Mars as an American guy, John Carter, ends up on the red planet and over time becomes a leader of Marsians. I am sure this is going to be compared to Avatar. Sure, there are similarities, however, the stories are very diverse and full of adventures. Colorful worlds, weird but beautiful creatures, and never-ending battle of good and evil. It takes a real human to make an “ugly but beautiful” leader.

Series of Novels: “John Carter of Mars” | Cерия книг «Марсианин Джон Картер»:

1. A Princess of Mars (1912) | Дочь тысячи джеддаков.

2. The Gods of Mars (1914) | Боги Марса.

3. The Warlord of Mars (1918) | Владыка Марса.

4. Thuvia, Maid of Mars (1920) | Тувия, дева Марса.

5. The Chessmen of Mars (1922) | Марсианские шахматы.

6. The Master Mind of Mars (1928) | Великий ум Марса.

7. A Fighting Man of Mars (1931) | Боевой человек Марса.

8. Swords of Mars (1936) | Мечи Марса.

9. Synthetic Men of Mars (1940) | Искусственные люди Марса.

10. Llana of Gathol (1948) | Лана из Гатола.

11. John Carter of Mars (1964) | Марсианин Джон Картер.

12. “John Carter and the Giant of Mars” (1940) | Джон Картер и Великан (Actually written by Burroughs’s son).

13. “Skeleton Men of Jupiter” (1942) | Люди-скелеты Юпитера.


So this is also a good movie to watch this spring. Leave it up to Disney to come out with the movie which is possibly going to become an awesome franchise. The Movie is also entitled “John Carter.” Release date: March 9, 2012. Here is the trailer:

“John Carter”
The official movie trailer
©2012 Disney

“John Carter”
New John Carter Trailer introduced by Andrew Stanton
©2012 Disney

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