Love Poem

About this project: Named after a Love Poem written by Richard Brautigan. This assignment has become a part of the larger project entitled XXI Century Brautiganism and is dedicated to Richard Brautigan and his fans. A poem by Richard Brautigan consists of only one sentence and is recited by 17 different people over and over …

Social Media Aesthetics

Social media changes the way we exchange information. Today, we tend to communicate via social media applications online, today, we share information in a conversational manor, we comment, tweet, blog and podcast our opinions out into the world. We often hear comments about how iReport-style and similar grassroots efforts re-shape the journalism often times in …

Social Media & Ethics

As I was watching Clay Shirky: How social media can make history, I began thinking how new forms of media challenge traditional narrative forms. One to many is a traditional way of communication. Many to Many is the new pattern that is a result of a digital technology innovation. As we digitize our books, our …